
will anything ever be as iconic and savage as when sally jackson, percy jackson’s mother, used the decapitated head of the medusa to turn her abusive husband to stone, and then sold him as a statue to an art gallery to critical acclaim and used the resulting funds to pay to attend college and start her dream life as a writer


I think… one of the interesting things about online messaging and texting is that sometimes, writing out your feelings to someone is actually so much easier than speaking them. Like, I cannot easily express myself through verbal words. I stutter, I panic, I say “nevermind” because I can’t bring myself to admit the words out loud. But with online messaging, I can blabber on the keyboard like a stream of consciousness, and I can express myself to my friends in a way that’s sometimes very hard for me to do irl

Which is why I’m so defensive about this whole belief that face to face communication is more real than online interactions. In a way, yeah, it is, because it’s more literally “real,” and im not at all gonna deny the value in irl relationships. But online communication has genuinely allowed me, a socially anxious person with a fear of opening up, to develop meaningful relationships with people, and you don’t understand how grateful I am for that








public high school things
•naruto kids
•kids punching windows
•leaks coming from everywhere
•screams from every direction

•jeopardy review games
•chicken nuggets that are orange and all the same shape
•people fighting for no reason
•couples who make out in the hallway like they’re never gonna see each other again
•those kids who take the bathroom pass and disappear for half of class

•clapping in the middle of lunch for no reason?
•only going to the homecoming game
•being embarrassed by the student art in the hall
•that one teacher that no one calls mr./Mrs./miss/etc but instead just their last name
•hearing yelling from other classrooms and wondering wtf is going on????

– People who stop in the middle of the goddamn hallway
– That one kid who always has a winter coat on no matter what
– ‘Gay table’
– Kids who rap/blast rap music in the hallway
– “—– Please take off your hood/hat.”
– The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do
– We still have 3 minutes left don’t pack up yet or you’re getting a detention
– Mysterious ceiling stains
– Smoke coming out of the bathroom
-People who skip class and hide in the bathroom all period instead of leaving

  • those 3 kids who everyone knows are drug dealers
  • the secretary who is Tired
  • finding outdated memes printed out and pinned to the walls in teacher offices (ex: condescending willy wonka: “oh so that OTHER teacher didn’t give you homework?? i see”)
  • singing songs u learned in middle school language classes
  • the end of class is whenever someone shuffles their papers into a binder or moves their backpack, everyone else will follow like some freaky instinctual mimicry shit

have u ever seen something so american like… wtf

This all sounds so fucking weird…